Category: Personal

  • Friendly Alien HomePod Giveaway

    Exciting news! The Friendly Alien shop is opening next Monday, November 8th! To help me spread the word, I’m running a giveaway! The Prize: HomePod Mini & a free t-shirt from the shop! How to enter: Follow Friendly Alien on Instagram Like the giveaway post on Instagram Share the post Tag a friend in the comments…

  • Join Me on Discord!

    Something I’ve struggled with a lot since leaving the cult, is finding new friends. I didn’t know that my friends and community were conditional, but such is life. No one seems to talk about how difficult it can be to find friends as an adult. Especially as a cult survivor where my friends and community…

  • Introducing Friendly Alien

    I am so beyond excited to share the first few designs for Friendly Alien! Friendly Alien is my new little side-project to make soft, comfy, and size-inclusive clothing (and maybe some other knick knacks) for geeks, stoners, and queers. I deeply believe that fat people deserve great things, and so it’s been my priority to find…

  • Four Corners Reports on Pattern of Abuse Cover Up within Jehovah’s Witnesses Religion

    As some of you may know, I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness. In 2019, I decided to leave this organization after finding serious abuse cover up and coming across factual information that disproves the religion’s doctrine. One of the stories this report touches on is of a young man that committed suicide after being disfellowshipped…

  • Jehovah’s Witnesses Finally Join the Australian Redress Scheme

    Looks like Jehovah’s Witnesses will join the redress scheme in Australia finally, but don’t think it’s because god somehow inspired them to do the right thing: The organisation says it will sign up because of new rules introduced by the federal government, which mean it would lose its charity status – and subsequent tax exemptions…

  • Let’s Imagine a Better World

    If we can imagine better tech products, we can imagine a better society

  • It’s Ok to Be Wrong

    As I learn new information, I give myself the freedom to change my opinion

  • Leaving The Democratic Party and Registering with the People’s Party

    With news that the People’s Party is officially registered in California, I went ahead and changed my party preference to People’s Party. Let’s face it, the corporate duopoly gave people the choice between a blue racist rapist asshole, and a red racist rapist asshole in 2020. I’m incredibly happy to have voted for neither, and…

  • Does God Really Hate Queers?

    Here’s a fascinating, heartwarming, and heartbreaking video about being queer and whether it’s also possible to have a faith. Interestingly, my former religion makes an appearance just to show the world how horrible it is. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not accepting of LGBTQ people. Joshua, a gay man that is featured in the video, explains how…

  • Finding My Self

    2019 and 2020 have been some of the most influential years in my life. I left the religious cult I grew up in, had some pretty life-changing breakthroughs in therapy, and I’m slowly finding a political voice I wasn’t allowed to have previously. It’s a strange thing to have one’s whole belief system and sense…

  • Jimmy Dore: ‘Nobody Who Voted for the Iraq War Should Become the President’

    Joe Biden might win, but the American people have lost yet again

  • On Death

    Death is something I think about often. It might be my anxiety disorder, but most days, the thought enters my mind, “Am I dying?” I mean, technically, the answer is always yes. We’re all dying every day. The pandemic makes this that much worse. Add to that my no longer being religious and, therefore, no longer…

  • ‘Create What You Want’

    This video from Peter McKinnon really inspired me today. 2019 was kind of a bummer for me creatively. I didn’t post videos, and for a large portion of the year, this blog was silent. For too long I’ve worried that my interests don’t all really fit in one place. I—like most humans—have a vast array…

  • 2019: My Not So Year in Review

    It’s that time where everyone reflects on the past year. I love it. I’ve been writing my yearly retrospective since 2013. But this year, I don’t want to. 2019 has been a year full of transitions, some more difficult than others. Don’t get me wrong, there’s been plenty to celebrate. I have a new job…

  • Depression

    I haven’t been very public about this, but I was going through a severe bout of seasonal depression. We were living in a basement apartment in one of the coldest places you can live: Minnesota. Add to that the fact that there are so many days where it’s just gray and gloomy. Don’t get me…

  • 2018: Year in Review

    2018: Year in Review

    Due to depression, 2018 has been difficult for me. But reflecting on the year has helped me remember all the fun and great experiences I’ve had. This is my annual write-up where I share some of the highlights of the year and set goals for the next one. Cruise with the family I married into…

  • Kevin Love and My Own Anxiety

    Kevin Love’s recent article on his panic attacks helped me work through feelings I hadn’t been able to describe

  • 2017: Year in Review

    Highlights from the year and what’s in store for the next one

  • On Design Tests

    Should you take them?

  • New Beginnings

    For the past two years, I’ve run my own business, Anythin’ Goes. I’ve been so incredibly happy to work on some awesome projects with great people. On Monday, I begin a new chapter. As some of you know, I’m getting married to my best friend in May. Since December, I’d been looking for a great…