Tag: work

  • Next Saturday I’ll be streaming on Twitch from 10am to noon Pacific. I’ll be working on a few of my side projects. There’ll be weed, coffee, and good vibes. Hope you can make it!

  • shift + esc is the most important Slack keyboard shortcut. Change my mind.

  • Employers expect you to go above and beyond while giving you the bare minimum. We need to start demanding more democracy in the workplace.

  • The four-day workweeks at Wildbit sound pretty fantastic. Looks like a people-first approach always ends up working well.

  • On Implementing Pull Request Feedback: A Short Story You should never be so antsy to get your pull request that you skip the all important task of testing any changes you make. Even if the change is tiny and seemingly inconsequential there is no excuse to not quickly test that everything works as expected. This…

  • It is vital that we share our salaries. Lack of transparency around salaries is what allows corporations to steal from their employees.