Category: Personal

  • 2014: Year in Review

    In an effort to keep up a good habit, it’s time to do a little reflection on last year, and set new goals for 2015. I can’t believe how quickly 2014 went by. I feel as if every year seems to go by quicker than the last. Still, I was able to accomplish three out…

  • Woman Documents Sexual Harassment; Receives Rape Threats

    Cory Doctorow reporting for Boing Boing: Shoshana B Roberts spent 10 hours walking the streets of New York with a hidden camera crew, documenting over 100 catcalls (plus countless less-visible forms of harassment), as part of a campaign from Hollaback, who work to fight street harassment of women. Within a day, she had over a…

  • 2013: Year in Review

    It’s 2014. I can’t believe I’m writing that. It seems like yesterday that I published this post. 2013 was an interesting year. It was riddled with both success and failure. Thankfully, the year ended on a high note. This was the first year that I accomplished all of my goals, except one.1 My goals for…