Tag: Pride Month

  • Untitled post 5054

    Here we are at the end of Pride Month, and I didn’t get into half of the gay shit I wanted to. But that’s ok, I still got my bi/pan rebel alliance tattoo. And you better believe I’m pushing the alphabet mafia agenda with this hot-ass photo. To my fellow queers: It’s ok if you…

  • Untitled post 5046

    Got me some new earrings 🌈

  • 41 homophobic things straight people say every day without realising You’re probably homophobic. Even if you don’t think you are, or if you don’t mean to be, I guarantee that on a regular basis you say homophobic things you don’t even realise are actually incredibly rude and harmful. Good reminder for the straights out there. If…

  • Untitled post 5026

    I wanted to say something yesterday, but here I am today because I overthought the shit out of this post. In case you didn’t know, I’m bisexual and polyamorous. It’s scary as fuck for me to type that out, but it’s my truth. This is me. As scary as it is to come out given…