Tag: love

  • 41 homophobic things straight people say every day without realising You’re probably homophobic. Even if you don’t think you are, or if you don’t mean to be, I guarantee that on a regular basis you say homophobic things you don’t even realise are actually incredibly rude and harmful. Good reminder for the straights out there. If…

  • I really enjoyed reading this article. Relationship anarchy is such a beautiful philosophy ❤️

  • Untitled post 4978

    Today I’m celebrating six wonderful years with Kelly. There’s been a lot of change and growth in those six years, but I’ve only come to love and appreciate her more. Our relationship has endured leaving a cult, discovery of my sexuality, and so much more. It’s been nuts, quite honestly. But through it all, it…

  • What is it when all you have is nostalgia? When all there is left are moments and memories from years long past? What does the love mean, when it’s for someone who no longer exists?  It’s nothing. For all that was feared to lose, is already lost.

  • This.