Tag: art

  • My wonderful friend Celestial just launched their Ko-fi! I’m so happy to be a monthly member.

  • Untitled post 5314

    Finished this up tonight. I’m having way too much fun with my new Apple Pencil.

  • I have no idea why, but I never bought an Apple Pencil thinking I wouldn’t use it much. I finally did and doodled all of last night. Suffice to say, I should’ve bought this thing sooner. Here’s my doodle from last night.

  • My amaz­ingly tal­ented friend Celestial just started her own Twitch chan­nel! If you love good vibes and geeky art, go fol­low her!

  • Untitled post 40

    The won­der­ful Celestial did an amaz­ing por­trait of Kelly, Obi, and I. Celestial is so freak­ing tal­ented y’all, con­sider sup­port­ing her art and get­ting your own com­mis­sion!